Graphic and web designer specialising in advertising, marketing materials and photography.
Another website, more marketing materials, photography and signage for Sota Tractors.
Three creative splash screens, showcasing my Photoshop skills.
A variety of marketing materials, advertising and web projects created for Grand Foods (Kahvecioglu), a Turkish food importer in Campbellfield.
Web design and photography for Allendale Kennels, a family run cat and dog boarding kennels in Warrandyte.
Sales brochures, promotional items, marketing materials, photography and website for Sota Tractors.
Wordpress website and photography for Green Kids Early Learning (GKEL) – an 80 place childcare centre in Hampton.
Websites, digital illustration and more for the College of Lactation Consultants Victoria (CLC-VIC).
Two websites, signage and photography for Barry Beckett Children’s Centre.
Facebook campaigns, blogging and engagement for Kaiser Baas, a major brand in electronic gadgets.
A variety of digital illustrations and projects created for clients past and present.
Websites, blogging, photography, a logo and more for a rockhound and gem enthusiast club in Essendon.