Kaiser Baas is an electronics importer that sells the latest gadgets in Australia to retailers like Harvey Norman, JB HiFi and Officeworks. I contracted for a few months for them, redesigning their Facebook page and gateway, creating web banners and a B2B EDM, while running Facebook campaigns/competitions and creating content for the company blog. The existing imagery was very professional, corporate and somewhat sterile. While this was fine for the B2B EDM, website and packaging in major electronics retailers, it did not engage an audience on social media or through blogging and KB wanted to improve this, so I added more creativity to these channels.
At the time, Facebook gateway pages were all the rage for collecting traffic from company websites. KB didn’t have one, so I designed one which looked exciting enough for traffic to think it was worth following KB. This captured a lot of casual viewers and turned them into Facebook followers.
There was already an existing audience that needed further engagement as there was minimal interaction on Facebook. In order to get people to converse on the page, I created advertisements for some very special offers, posted newsworthy items of interest and wrote engaging status updates as well as managing Facebook competitions. Advertising took the form of brief, to-the-point ads with exciting discounts in them. These were immensely popular and resulted in sales from Facebook (a successful combination of good communication and the right offer).
The Mother’s Day Competition attracted many new female fans through their love of home life, increasing engagement. We appealed to our target audience of women aged 25-65 through relatives, friends and family. 98 women sent in photos with stories about their caring and beautiful mothers, past and present. The campaign added a thoughtful and personal touch to the Facebook audience’s perception of the company.
During the School Holiday Drawing Competition, 41 parents assisted their children to create and post adorable artwork for the chance to win. Supportive comments followed, where parents complimented each other’s children on having a go and producing creative pieces. This competition helped to create a fun and personal experience with KB.
A great idea included posting “Guess What This Is?” status updates, which were taken with the Kaiser Baas Digital Microscope. Our audience enjoyed posting witty answers and having a chuckle over the previous comments as they tried to guess what the mystery pic was.
The target audience was mostly non-technical so I showed product usage and potential for the everyday consumer.
Regarding the company blog, it was decided that more content was needed to provide additional link juice and engagement with consumers. There were new products added to the range, an increased media and social media presence and global marketing via exhibition events and product selling through the KB website. Many blog entries I created were general company postings like this one:
However, on occasion I had the chance to make more creative blog posts for extra shareability, such as this one about the sporting activities associated with the Kaiser Baas camera. Many consumers had posted YouTube videos showing what they were doing with the camera, so I pared down the lists of technical features and benefits and rewrote them in laymen’s terms to increase understanding, as well as using the YouTube videos to demonstrate product use. The shark feeding videos were of particular interest!
With more conversation and engagement improving audience communication on the Kaiser Baas Facebook page, advertising clickthrough rates improved and many products were sold through a trackable URL from the Facebook advertisements to the Kaiser Baas website. Not only did Kaiser Baas improve their sales and website traffic, they were able to utilise social media successfully to find new fans and customers and create interest in their brand.